Changes in the Fashion IP 100 List Over 5 Years

• The designer/designer brand has consistently topped the list as the category with the most fashion IPs listed over the years. This category not only accounts for over half of the list but also enjoys the highest representation across different continents.

• Celebrity follows closely behind as the second most frequent category on the rankings, with a growing concentration in North America and Asia.

• The artist category has consistently held a smaller share than celebrity. Specifically, Asian artists dominate this category, while no artists from Europe or Oceania have made it to the list in the past 5 years.

• Influencer consistently occupies the lowest proportion among the fashion IP categories and has shown a declining trend year after year. From 2021, this category only saw IPs from Europe and Asia making it to the list; by 2023, only 2 from Asia remained on the list.

• Since 2021, the list has witnessed a tripartite dominance of fashion IPs from North America, Europe, and Asia, gradually moving towards an equal distribution in proportions.

• Over the years, the US, China, and Japan have consistently dominated the rankings. Specifically, the US holds the highest proportion, followed by China surpassing Japan in 2022. Within Europe, the proportion of fashion IPs is more scattered, with the UK seeing a significant decrease year by year. Sweden and Denmark from the Nordic region have emerged on the rankings since 2021, with Sweden showing a slight increase year by year.

• Over the past five years since the list’s debut, there has been a notable reduction in the number of fashion IPs making consecutive appearances year by year. Compared to 2020, all four categories in 2023 have been slashed in half in consecutive entrants, with a decrease of nearly 70% in the categories of celebrity and influencer.

• In terms of regions and countries, the proportion of consecutive names from North America and Europe has significantly declined year by year, with the US and the UK experienciexperiencing the largest decreases, while Asia shows a relatively narrow decrease, where Japan maintains the most stable presence.

• In terms of overall value, North America's fashion IPs show a clear polarization, with a decrease year by year in both fashion IP risers and fallers in the rankings. In contrast, Europe has seen a consistent upward trend, with an increasing number of risers and decreasing fallers. Asia as a whole has shown minor fluctuations each year, with slight polarization observed in Japan and an overall positive trend in China.

• Among the newly listed IPs over the past five years since the list's debut, the majority belong to the designer/designer brand category, accounting for over 70% of all new appearances. Compared to 2020, 2023 witnessed a rcord-breaking 35 new entrants.

• Concerning regions, there have been notable fluctuations in the number of new entrants across the three continents, with Asia slowing down in 2023 after a two-year surge in 2021 and 2022, and Europe seeing a substantial boost in 2023. Concerning countries, the US, China, and France have consistently dominated the list of new entrants over the years.